2012 was an extremely rough year for us. We spent the biggest part of the first half of the year in the hospital with Lydon and then at home on TPN. We faced several challenges with Lydons health care and had to make the very hard decision to switch some providers. I had to quit a job that I loved because of Lydons health issues. We in turn battled some big financial issues. We experienced the heartache of seeing some friends bury their babies all the while knowing in the back of our minds that especially after this past year, we couldve just as easily been walking in their shoes. Jonathan continued to battle some major health issues that are still unresolved. We dealt with some teenage issues which are never fun and always a challenge. 2012 was not a "good" year but I learned some of the most valuable lessons that I feel like I will hold on to for the rest of my life.
Life really is about the moments that take your breath away. Saying good night and good morning to the one person who smells your morning breath and still loves you. Seeing the joy on your children's face when they realize how to read a sentence or spell a word without your help. Feeling the joy on your own face when your teenager tells you how much she appreciates you taking her to school when she misses the bus or when Aidan told me on Christmas night that Christmas really isn't about all the presents but its about the birth of The baby Jesus and that all we really need is the love and the caring. Realizing that it really doesn't matter at all what house you live in as long as all of the people you love and care about are still alive.
So as we say goodbye to 2012, I choose to remember it as a difficult year indeed but also a year in which I gained so much! And as we begin this new year of our lives, here is what I wish.
Hollie, my beautiful girl... I hope that this year as you finish your sophomore year of high school that you find your passion, whatever it may be...music, photography, or maybe something new that you haven't ever tried before. I hope that passion grows deep in your heart and always bring you comfort and joy. I hope that the challenges that you will face in school, in learning how to drive, in friends and social situations aren't too hard but difficult enough to make you stronger and more appreciative of who you are and what you have in life.

And Lydon, my doll... I hope that this year isn't as difficult for you health wise as last year was. I hope that we can do something to improve your airway issue and give you the ability to play without being short of breath and vomiting. I hope that we can come up with some way for you to attend preschool and develop friendships with others your age. I hope that you can have a year without hospitalizations or pain. I hope that you grow bigger, stronger, taller and laugh...a lot!
And Jonathan, my love...I hope that we have a better year with less stress and more down time. Even more so, I hope that you have a better year. I hope that you are able to get some answers and resolutions to your health problems. I hope that this year brings treatments that grant you less pain and fatigue. I hope that you are able to move forward in career and all of your hard work in 2012 pays off. I hope that you are able to enjoy life more in 2013.
And for myself, I hope that I can continue in my quest to become stronger and healthier. I want to make more time for prayer. I want to focus more on not just disciplining my children but teaching them right from wrong. I want to teach them how to find more happiness and contentment in the things that are free... doing for others, coloring a picture for a friend, singing a song or playing a game. And my wish for all of you is that in your own way, you can do the same because when all is said and done, love is all we need! Happy New Year! Here's to hoping and praying that 2013 will be good to us all!!
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love NEVER fails!
1 Corinthians 13:8
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